Wednesday, April 28

Kick-Ass. ass kicked.

Hey you #@$$%!?%^!!! Stop messing around with me, or I'm gonna get my foot stick on your your ass! *Try me!

eleh~ lame me. This is not the 'kick ass' i'm going to say. It's.....

Behold, a new and now showing movie is around towns. I watch it at MBO this afternoon with exian. It's a Wednesday, so we get our ticks for RM6 each. ^^ At first I thought it will be a noob, 'cheat kiddy' kind of movie. Well, i take back what I thought, it's actually a nice and funny movie out there. NOT kidish at all, 18SX and 18PL one, seriously. (don't let ur kids or lil sis/bro watch this) aiyerrr...hahahh! I like the effect from a scene too. damn cool! Well, am not going to be a spoiler here, and i'm lazy to be one too.heheh Just grab your popcorn and watch it urself. (i bought my snack at ta kiong, cheaper than 'up there' one mahh....^^) and I do hope there's part 2 for it. ;)

oya, want to talk about Shutter Island too. I watched it on last Sunday, with exian, ying and joseph. aha! At first this movie really made me want to have my nap in cinema, for the first time, seriously. (or maybe i'm tired too) The beginning was so boring and confusing. Ying and I can't really get the story until exian and jo explained to us. Till then, I found this movie good, I think that it really has a great storyline. Good job on confusing people, mr. director/novelist/any who! LOL It's fresh to me! The story i mean... and yeah! I found that Leonardo DiCaprio is soo 'mature' now till he really looks much different from the classic Jack already. >,<

Movie, is a part of my life.

2 days on counting~

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