Friday, April 30

a day with them.

I got no class for the whole day yesterday, due to the cancellation class for C&C. Benji aka bungamin has asked me to go to school to hang out with them. It's really a hot sunny noon. We met up at uni and bungamin drove me, Nata and Derek to Spring, for K box. It's my first time singing with them..hehe Then we took some photo shots and Derek recorded a video of 3 of us high-ing and jumping around the couch. hehehehh Nata and I got high with Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend.hahah siao liao~

Later, Damien came and joined us with his friend, Wen Jing, not sure with her name. :x Then we sang 'wei ni er huo' 3 rounds. repeat repeat and repeat.hahahh lml ^.^ lml First time heard them singing a rock song. We fooled around with the wallpaper near the toilet after. lmao lahr them.XD We then headed to the food court and grabbed some food. Damien left his car key on the chair, luckily bungamin saw it. And we thought of trick him, but somehow i missed the part how he found out he lost his keys. >,< We then accompany Nata to Ta Kiong for her biscuits-hunting. LOL and off to uni to get back my lonely Xiao Huang~ *im waiting Derek to post up the photos.i have none.*

Then, at night, Nata and Bungamin asked me to go yamcha with them. Bungamin came and picked me up. Bunamin and I met up with Damien, Nata and Derek at 4 Points. No, we ain't that rich. We just took there as a meet up place. Bungamin brought us to his so-called nice environment place. But when we arrived there, I was like... *o.0 whaaaat? romantic meh???* hahahahahh it's a place for having seafood and beers-people-place. hehe *sorry lahr bungamin* but he did say the place changed already. Then I suggested to go Day Dream or Isabella, coz i never been to Isabella too. So we headed there. Bungamin and I still got lost looking for the junction, and Damien them just following us.hahah But in the end we found it too. We went to Day Dream this time, coz we can't make up our mind to go which, as both were just opposite each other. Just had some chatting and drinking and eating there.

As usual, I didn't talk much in front of them. Maybe some of the topics I cant get into too, or im just quiet, cant socialize. i don't know. i'm afraid that im a boring person to them. *and i really got emo-ed coz of this issue.* ='(

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