Tuesday, April 27


It's Monday Blue-day. We, me, ying, fabian and stephani go up to somewhere near Santubong Resort, which we don't really know where. LOL Get up early, around 6.45am. Pack, and mom drives me to Swinburne to pick steph up. Have waited her for over half an hour or almost an hour there. lol" Then off to fab's house.

Since both me and fab have yet taken our breakfast, we went to somewhere around Satok to settle our tummy, and off to destination. All these while i thought that it will take around an hour to reach Damai, but i think it takes shorter time actually, and i'll be totally lost if it's me who gonna drive there.ahaha

We arrived around 11 something. Settled our things and get changed, and off to the pool! 'si gui' fab 'throw' 3 of us into the pool. He first grab ying and throws her in, then he comes to me, i tell him i'll get in myself, but he pushes me in in the end. It freaks me out that time when im in the water, really feels like drowning, i remember i put out my right hand so high and wave, like in the movie when someone is drowning. Luckily i can make myself to stand and the pool is just 1M deep. ish that guy! Then he 'lure' steph to come over too, after some 'hard' time, she finally approached and fab somehow drop her into the pool, i can see that fab doen't dare to 'do hard' on her, coz he says she's a princess.lols -,-" I enjoy myself in the pool although i cant swim, im surrounded with water, i enjoy the feel, it's relaxing, and the view is not bad.

Then we get up, and have our short and simple picnic. We walk to the beach after that. Just a short few hundreds metres of journey from the pool. The place is wonderful. We grab a seat where we got the whole view of the sand and sea, and also shadesss. fyi, the whole pool and beach are ours that time! coz we barely see a shadow of human there.LOL I enjoy that moment more. A sudden feel to be emo. I face the sandy beach and wavy sea, feel the breeze, covered with shades from the trees and nature. Feels so relaxing, and if there's the someone beside me to share with, how sweet can that be. ^^ (we scream at the beach before we leave there.first time.^^)

*feel my eyes*


i like this. ;p

ignore me.the main focus here is fab.lol

orang gila.

Later, we walk back to the pool again. And exian, joseph and cindy come to join us too. 3 of them come to Santubong here just to clean Exian's car tyres. =) coz he drives passed the road which gt cement on it, the mad guard there still scold them. AHAH Exian, why you always blur blur one?? heheehh We hang around at the pool for a moment. AND si fabian, again, try to throw me into the pool, but i refused and im too heavy. AHAH but somehow i get a tiny cut on my elbow. Then, i try to push him, he grab me, and once again, i fall into it again. -,- got the same feeling. geeezz

Later, we walk to the beach side again, waiting for the sunset. Feel nice to walk on the sand, and looking at the orangey-reddish sun and sky. Of course, we enjoy our time and take some nice pictures there. I take one too, with my name on the sand, and ask the lovely couple to hold their hands, with their back facing me, and the orange sky as the background. Emo right? eheheh I like it. But, the pics are not with me. Going to get them from Exian. Will post it up if im Not layzee. hehehh We take some fight-against-the-gravity-kind-of-pics too. ahah take few takes for it. XD Fun~

Then we drive back to Kuching around 7 something. And had our dinner together at After 4. Then parents pick me up at fab's house. It is really a tiring day, but fun in the end. I was too tired, and knock off at 11.30pm. Guai-nya~ =)

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