Friday, April 30

a day with them.

I got no class for the whole day yesterday, due to the cancellation class for C&C. Benji aka bungamin has asked me to go to school to hang out with them. It's really a hot sunny noon. We met up at uni and bungamin drove me, Nata and Derek to Spring, for K box. It's my first time singing with them..hehe Then we took some photo shots and Derek recorded a video of 3 of us high-ing and jumping around the couch. hehehehh Nata and I got high with Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend.hahah siao liao~

Later, Damien came and joined us with his friend, Wen Jing, not sure with her name. :x Then we sang 'wei ni er huo' 3 rounds. repeat repeat and repeat.hahahh lml ^.^ lml First time heard them singing a rock song. We fooled around with the wallpaper near the toilet after. lmao lahr them.XD We then headed to the food court and grabbed some food. Damien left his car key on the chair, luckily bungamin saw it. And we thought of trick him, but somehow i missed the part how he found out he lost his keys. >,< We then accompany Nata to Ta Kiong for her biscuits-hunting. LOL and off to uni to get back my lonely Xiao Huang~ *im waiting Derek to post up the photos.i have none.*

Then, at night, Nata and Bungamin asked me to go yamcha with them. Bungamin came and picked me up. Bunamin and I met up with Damien, Nata and Derek at 4 Points. No, we ain't that rich. We just took there as a meet up place. Bungamin brought us to his so-called nice environment place. But when we arrived there, I was like... *o.0 whaaaat? romantic meh???* hahahahahh it's a place for having seafood and beers-people-place. hehe *sorry lahr bungamin* but he did say the place changed already. Then I suggested to go Day Dream or Isabella, coz i never been to Isabella too. So we headed there. Bungamin and I still got lost looking for the junction, and Damien them just following us.hahah But in the end we found it too. We went to Day Dream this time, coz we can't make up our mind to go which, as both were just opposite each other. Just had some chatting and drinking and eating there.

As usual, I didn't talk much in front of them. Maybe some of the topics I cant get into too, or im just quiet, cant socialize. i don't know. i'm afraid that im a boring person to them. *and i really got emo-ed coz of this issue.* ='(

Thursday, April 29


发现这个新的部落格都seldom有我emo的post耶。。其实前几天也有超emo的时刻,不开心,满想写的,但懒惰更新。。下次吧!I like to be emo sometimes! Emo is not that bad, it's just a person with full emotions and being sentimental. It is more preferable rather than cold-hearted people. Lastly, I'm an Emo. Bare with it.

Wednesday, April 28

Kick-Ass. ass kicked.

Hey you #@$$%!?%^!!! Stop messing around with me, or I'm gonna get my foot stick on your your ass! *Try me!

eleh~ lame me. This is not the 'kick ass' i'm going to say. It's.....

Behold, a new and now showing movie is around towns. I watch it at MBO this afternoon with exian. It's a Wednesday, so we get our ticks for RM6 each. ^^ At first I thought it will be a noob, 'cheat kiddy' kind of movie. Well, i take back what I thought, it's actually a nice and funny movie out there. NOT kidish at all, 18SX and 18PL one, seriously. (don't let ur kids or lil sis/bro watch this) aiyerrr...hahahh! I like the effect from a scene too. damn cool! Well, am not going to be a spoiler here, and i'm lazy to be one too.heheh Just grab your popcorn and watch it urself. (i bought my snack at ta kiong, cheaper than 'up there' one mahh....^^) and I do hope there's part 2 for it. ;)

oya, want to talk about Shutter Island too. I watched it on last Sunday, with exian, ying and joseph. aha! At first this movie really made me want to have my nap in cinema, for the first time, seriously. (or maybe i'm tired too) The beginning was so boring and confusing. Ying and I can't really get the story until exian and jo explained to us. Till then, I found this movie good, I think that it really has a great storyline. Good job on confusing people, mr. director/novelist/any who! LOL It's fresh to me! The story i mean... and yeah! I found that Leonardo DiCaprio is soo 'mature' now till he really looks much different from the classic Jack already. >,<

Movie, is a part of my life.

2 days on counting~

Tuesday, April 27

i want to be a bleach haired designer!! as if....

I saw a blonde gal with weird makeup.=x I think she will just look cool enough with the hair and without her makeup or just put on a cap. I too, hope to have the kind of short / shoulder length bleached hair someday. ahah. But, 90% to impossible. ='( 10% for imagining im having it to make myself happy bahr..maybe i can photoshop one someday. eleh~ tolong, sure doesn't suit me one. =="

Here are some pictures of a cool, pretty, stylish and talented ex-HK singer, but having her self-business as a fashion Tee designer and owner for her shop and also founder of her own brand 'Little Secret' in Taiwan now, who inspires me, WenDi. aha! My one-sentence way to introduce her. Bleach haired photos.

cool Blondies.


awwwww, it's just the second day today. 3 days to go~

kuching fooood.

Today afternoon is a funny and 'thrilling' day.aahahahahh *okay..keep it silent.and i'm sorry =|* I drive Albee, Lulu, and Wan Ting to Sunny Hill to get some icecreams. Well, it turn out not like what they've expected. hahah We just get our butts hot for about 10 mins and leave. We went to Song Kheng Hai for belacan beehoon and kompia. Unluckily, my excitement of introducing them Kuching's food has vanished when i find that both stalls are closed. ish! Then we just grab some food from the open one.

Then we went to Xiao Ba Wang to get some char sio bao, coz the zhabors say it's been awhile they have not eaten pork already.LOLL and i send them back uni. ahah. short story here, but funny day~


It's Monday Blue-day. We, me, ying, fabian and stephani go up to somewhere near Santubong Resort, which we don't really know where. LOL Get up early, around 6.45am. Pack, and mom drives me to Swinburne to pick steph up. Have waited her for over half an hour or almost an hour there. lol" Then off to fab's house.

Since both me and fab have yet taken our breakfast, we went to somewhere around Satok to settle our tummy, and off to destination. All these while i thought that it will take around an hour to reach Damai, but i think it takes shorter time actually, and i'll be totally lost if it's me who gonna drive there.ahaha

We arrived around 11 something. Settled our things and get changed, and off to the pool! 'si gui' fab 'throw' 3 of us into the pool. He first grab ying and throws her in, then he comes to me, i tell him i'll get in myself, but he pushes me in in the end. It freaks me out that time when im in the water, really feels like drowning, i remember i put out my right hand so high and wave, like in the movie when someone is drowning. Luckily i can make myself to stand and the pool is just 1M deep. ish that guy! Then he 'lure' steph to come over too, after some 'hard' time, she finally approached and fab somehow drop her into the pool, i can see that fab doen't dare to 'do hard' on her, coz he says she's a princess.lols -,-" I enjoy myself in the pool although i cant swim, im surrounded with water, i enjoy the feel, it's relaxing, and the view is not bad.

Then we get up, and have our short and simple picnic. We walk to the beach after that. Just a short few hundreds metres of journey from the pool. The place is wonderful. We grab a seat where we got the whole view of the sand and sea, and also shadesss. fyi, the whole pool and beach are ours that time! coz we barely see a shadow of human there.LOL I enjoy that moment more. A sudden feel to be emo. I face the sandy beach and wavy sea, feel the breeze, covered with shades from the trees and nature. Feels so relaxing, and if there's the someone beside me to share with, how sweet can that be. ^^ (we scream at the beach before we leave there.first time.^^)

*feel my eyes*


i like this. ;p

ignore me.the main focus here is

orang gila.

Later, we walk back to the pool again. And exian, joseph and cindy come to join us too. 3 of them come to Santubong here just to clean Exian's car tyres. =) coz he drives passed the road which gt cement on it, the mad guard there still scold them. AHAH Exian, why you always blur blur one?? heheehh We hang around at the pool for a moment. AND si fabian, again, try to throw me into the pool, but i refused and im too heavy. AHAH but somehow i get a tiny cut on my elbow. Then, i try to push him, he grab me, and once again, i fall into it again. -,- got the same feeling. geeezz

Later, we walk to the beach side again, waiting for the sunset. Feel nice to walk on the sand, and looking at the orangey-reddish sun and sky. Of course, we enjoy our time and take some nice pictures there. I take one too, with my name on the sand, and ask the lovely couple to hold their hands, with their back facing me, and the orange sky as the background. Emo right? eheheh I like it. But, the pics are not with me. Going to get them from Exian. Will post it up if im Not layzee. hehehh We take some fight-against-the-gravity-kind-of-pics too. ahah take few takes for it. XD Fun~

Then we drive back to Kuching around 7 something. And had our dinner together at After 4. Then parents pick me up at fab's house. It is really a tiring day, but fun in the end. I was too tired, and knock off at 11.30pm. Guai-nya~ =)

Tuesday, April 13

First assignment. Completed.

wohoo~ After rushing about 1 week, finally i'm done with my first assignment for both Design Studies and me as a design student. Like what Michelle said yesterday, after saw the print out, felt quite proud for them, and it's true. It's the first time for most of us to express our own concepts into posters. Done with the presentation today, quite relief. I was too nervous till everything gone blank in my mind when I was up there, just like the previous times. Got stuck in the middle, but manage to BLAA finished it. ;) *clapclap for michele for being able to done those.gege*

So this is my first poster. POSTER1. noname. sosad.

So my first poster, is about a basketballer trying to throw the ball into the net. My concept is that the basketballer, which is in black, represents everyone of us, whereas I replace the ball with an Earth instead of a basketball. The earth is larger than the net, so that it is ‘stuck’ on the ring of the net and it keeps the earth from falling. This is the idea of mine showing the way to protect the earth. But it is not well visualized, so I came out with the idea of 3R. There is a message that urges people to reduce, reuse and recycle. The net also acts as a bin. Since the earth, which acts as a ‘thing’, is larger, it cant be thrown into it, and have to apply on the 3R concept. So that the next generation can live in a better environment.

POSTER2. '...stop deforestation, experience the nature lively.'

As for the second poster, ‘stop deforestation, experience the nature lively’ is my theme. I get this concept quite meaningful as I make it a design of a child is looking on the nature or forest view through a laptop or television. There is a real nature’s image in the laptop and real image of a child for my poster while the background is all surrounded with cartoon drawn concrete buildings. This is to let the viewers focus on the real image and emphasize on my theme that if deforestation and construction continue, the future earth will no longer have enough trees around, so as to the children will not have the chance to view and experience the beauty of nature lively.

POSTER3. ' or power is nothing without the earth.'

Lastly, the third poster, ‘money or power is nothing without the earth’ will be my theme. It is a simple design, but has meaning on it. Since most people nowadays are quite realistic and selfish, they care more on money then the only one earth. So I put a safe on the whole poster for my design, with the earth inside the safe, emphasizing that we should keep our earth save and protected too, and money or power is nothing without the earth. We cannot be a happy millionaire or powerful person without a healthy earth to spend with.

HEheh. i just C&P the description of my concepts from the Journal. I made my concept with the same title for 3 of them, but different themes. I know my english ain't good. My dad even said Rushing to done it bahr yesterday night. erh..don't wanna care it already. DONE! XD

Monday, April 12

a hot but fun noon.

pfft. Today is a really hot day. I went to uni to pick up Albee and Michelle, and knew Wan Ting from them. At first we were quite shy, untill we had our lunch at Tarrot cafe we became sot ki. haha We got 'bullied' by the cafe, and the waiter always disturbed Michelle due to something. XD We had a long time waiting for our food. grrr Then Mike met us up to pass us his file and wanted us to print for him. It's cool that the table of five were from Jakarta, Sabah, Sibu, Miri and kuching! woot~ and I think Wan Ting knows Kenny Yong.

After lunch, Albee led me to Modka, which is near to '4 small' there for our printing. Took a little moment at there due to Albee's "eye".hahah Then i rushed home to get my mounting board and went to Techno Graphic opposite my home to look for our things. I went to pump oil too, 4 of us don't know how to pump.hahah Then Albee helped me. It's 4 something already, we rushed back to uni to meet up Mike and mount our posters. It was my first time stepping into the hostel too. Quite nice actually. They asked me want to move in into hostel not. HAHA After some time done with the mounting thing, Mike asked us to go uni's open-air yumcha. He chia us. heheh. Met some people there too.

These gals are nice and friendly..and can be siaw.hahah It's a nice day spending with them. ^^ But the weather jinjiasisibehjuak lo~~~

Saturday, April 10


想想,有谁会在乎和愿意告诉我我的优点,缺点 / 好,不好 的地方。。。
木 不好的晚上


Monday, April 5


This week I'm going to get myself busy already. Say NO to Slackin', say YES to Workin'! LOL Tasks to be done or have to do : (1) Sketch 3 posters, and start design and get the outcome by next week after approval from Roy. (2) Design my own font. Can get a mysterious prize from Roy for the best one. Definitely not me. (3) Search for a painting in MOMA webby for Context & Culture's ass.. Shall start doing it after complete my posters.

Well, my sketching part is almost complete now. I need my bro's help on one of the piece of the drawings. Haiz..what a failure designer. ;( But at least the ideas are originally from me! That helps some right? ;) I hope that I'm doing the right way and the outcome can be like what I've imagined. Will post up the pictures after I'm done with them. (if it's viewable.LOL) Haveta make myself practice more on my drawing already. Had a GREAT laugh on my drawing with bro just now.>,<

It's cool that the house now is having TWO designers. =) And if my eldest bro counts, that makes THREE! =D

Sunday, April 4

Movies night out.

Finally just got myself settled down. It's a good night tonight, as I get myself to hang out. Me, Exian, Ken, and 4 of his friends watch the 3D of Clash of the Titans. All I can say it's like 'Percy Jackson'. LOL and the 3D part, sucks. Wasted our money, nothing much or special about it. BOOO!

*3 of us just got our new glasses..we got the same one, idk why....o.x

Then, after the movie, it's 8 something already. *bak doh iao* Met cindy there with her bf, and some familiar people. We plan and plan where to eat and what to do. At first I suggest to go Pumpkin and then Pool a round, but then maybe Ken's friends are shy, so they didn't join us. 3 of us just head to Kim Bay for our late dinner then. Met with my bro and his friends there, so zun. They watching Clash at 10.45pm. Then Exian came out with an idea that we watch 2nd round. How to Train Your Dragon is our choice! Same showtime, and I can follow my bro home too later. So, that makes our decision. ;D While Exian goes to buy ticks, Ken told me his friends thought Exian is my bf. hahaha!

After we have our dinner, it's just 9.30. We plan to go Apple store to use their internet. haha But then, we can't connect to the web. Think they know our purposes already. LOL We touch here touch there till they 'hit goat'. Then, nothing to do, we go up to MBO and wait outside till it's 10.45. ==" we bought ourselves a lollipop. wee~ nicenice! I don't mean the loli is nice, I just like the feel that we are doing something together. Can catch me? ;D Then a sudden urge make me call babe. haha weee~ chokchok de her.hahah *miss yuh~ Some of the people there passing by look at me, idk why, maybe I'm alone talking on the phone with a loli on my righty. LOL Saw Edmund too, can say is my...childhood friend, or something similar. Saw Cindy and bro, AGAIN. Then, it's time to get in! *Finally.

*we got lollis~~

*camwhore outside the hall. ;) Ken threw his loli dy..i asked him to pretend pretend there.

In conclusion, a great night! and and, Clash of the Titans just so-so, whereas How To Train Your Dragon, ON!!! Thumbs up thumbs up!! Damn cute lo Toothless! The eyes so big! hahahah >,<

P/S: Exian fall asleep in a cute and nice movie! duh him..LOL

Friday, April 2


mmm~ Tonight there's a feeling that is back to me again. I'm sorry for not finding you these days, and you know the reason already. ;) Sorry for letting you to miss me!!! wahahahahah Happy~ and of course I do miss you too. I hope that tomorrow or the next few days I won't feel being treated 'coldly', like what I've told you, and you say it won't be. ;)It's a happy night for me. Thanks. xoxo. ♥

P/S: idk why, i cant edit the color, font,those in my blog tonite. ==

Thursday, April 1

Azuar's class.

Talk about the museum trip yesterday, it's just okay, not THAT much excitement though. It's my first time, although I'm a Kuchingnite. =p It's funny that few of us who are Kuchingnite don't really know the route. So we follow each other behind. Benjamin is the 1st, I'm the 2nd, 3rd I don't know her name and 4th is Damien. I saw Benjamin drove into a wrong direction's route, I don't know what to do, just follow. Who knows those at the back following too! hahahah! Then suddenly he accelerates! Damien too, potong us.LOL They speed toward the green light while me and the other car have to stop because of the red light. Luckily I know the route lo..chou Benjamin,he said he purposely did it. booooolala~

Then, we walk to the museum, I don't really know the name. Look around like sakai, actually still okay la, get to see few different paintings, crafts, fish?, and so on. Got few paintings really attract me.When we get to the different 'building' or something, Azuar gives us task to complete. We have to get the answers in the museum. Some need drawings, mine kanasai ('like shit') lo (macam sehkia drawing).haiz~ After those, we go back to uni then. And I realized that we forgot to take our group photo. aihs~

So about today, nothing much on the Context & Culture though, but fun.hehe Azuar wants us to draw a portrait of the person sitting next to us, in 5 minutes. *oamgee,idonohowtodrawwei!!* Then I turn and look at my 'partner' and smile, he's an 'artistic' international student I can say, because he knows quite much about those famous famous artist like, .... hmmm..see, I don't really know who I can say out except for Leonardo da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Picasso, Man...dono whaaaaat?
==" okay, then he starts to draw me, I was like *die, how am i going to control my hand?* then I just roughly find something and sketch, I look at him, and think coz I'm focusing on how to draw the 'feel', he asks me "why aren't u drawing?" me laugh, "yeah, i am..." .... look at him, "im honest with you, that I don't know how to draw." He,"nah-it's-okay-something-like-that." I don't complete mine for sure, but he completes his, and gave it to me. It's in my file still.haha (first time people drawing a portrait of mine bahr... :x)Then I sign my undone work and gave it to him, with a "Happy April Fool~" thing on it, he laughs. hehe

After some boring lectures, we still got about 2 hours time. We get a short break and I just chit-chat and joke with them. Later, Azuar suggest to let us watch a movie. cool~ It's a French film, something about art, love, comedy. Really funny in some of the parts. HAHAHAHA stupid, but i like. and it has 18SX sceneS summore..LOL but I find it boring too at the same time. We don't finish the film till next week, as it's a 2 hours plus film. cool class I'm having these 2 days~ lml ^o^ lml

P/S: no pictures available, bad huh? ><