Wednesday, May 12

please keep the elasticity, guys.

Honestly, i got a complicated thought and feeling right now, after I read a few blogs from the design gang. It seems that for a week i have yet met them, something changed. From what i read, it seems the bond are getting looser between the gang. And eventually, if not for bungamin, i won't be getting to hang out with them oftenly, or won't have any news about them. Or what can I say, i'm a failure friend too, cuz i don't contact much with them when or after school everyday, or sometimes even when we are together, i'll be the quiet one. i'm sorry, i just cant make myself to join the topic sometimes, or i'm a boring type to u guys. im afraid, and hate the feeling too. what shall i do. i miss the moments, and i miss all of u. :'(

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