Tuesday, March 23

First Day for a DS.

It's the first day of a new semester for me today. Went to U earlier to meet those old buddies. The libraries, parking places, open dine, everywhere were so crowded. Saw about 90% of new faces. (I din't explore that much of places.) We chatted quite loud in the library, especially me..haha I suddenly miss those days. :( and now I'm all alone. haihs~ Well, life goes on. Hopefully I can be more independent, out-going and brave after this all-alone-thingy.

Well, talk about the first class, I really felt so isolated when I realised that 95% of them are actually from the same group last semester. They are like buddies, joke around, even with the last semester's lecturer, Azuar, and the current new lecturer, Roy. But, I can't deny that they both are great lecturers! They were only 25, and they treat us like friends, from what I see till this moment. Azuar even brought them to a trip or something last semester. cool. And I think they are planning one, soon. wee~ Hopefully for my group in my current-mixed-sem, he will bring us too. =) cool and funny lecturers they are. They even going for dinner tonight with some of the students, but I'm not joining, as I'm not in the 'gang' yet. :x

During the class, we self-introduced ourselves, like kids huh? haha but at least it made me knew who my course mates are, and from where. Quite a few from KK, then 1 from Jakarta, and 1 from Taiwan!! wow~ I hope I can remember some of their names. Guess what? There's 3 ''Michelle's" in the room! cool much? But one was absent today.aww After i introduced myself, the lecturer, Roy, asked, "Is your part time job saving people?" "uh? why?!" I'm blur that moment, then i realized that I'm wearing my SuperGirl's Tee! hahaha nice one Roy! Then we played some 'game', more like an activity, lecturer Azuar wanted us to walk in different WAYS from Point A to Point B without repetition. The objective of this is that he wanted us to think that we can do a thing with lots of ideas, and not only by walking straightly, something like that. We played it for 3 rounds. LOL Firstly, I walked zig-zagly. Roy asked me to do in a Superman way, then I asked, "fly over? *with a Superman sign*" lol.they laughed. Then secondly, I got myself a partner, Albee, to 'dance'-over-with-Waltz style.haha Thirdly, again, partner-ed with Albee, with the Supermodel-walking-along-the-carpet-and-the-photographer-kept-on-following-and-shooting-style.HAH! 0hya, Albee, a Sibu gal, was the first friend I talked to today. Not bad la..*keep going chele* In a short while, the room really got crazy..lols! I like it~ With two of the manga-super-fans, they did something like 'Shunpo' thing. OMG! We all burst into laughters! I noticed that one of them acted weirdly all the time, they kept laughing or teasing him. :x

Oh well, it's quite a great class I can say, hope that I can get along with them. (Their angmo are geng too! >,<)

And Roy was right, we need to have passion on design, not just liking it. We also need to have a vision for what we are doing, so that we know what we want. Yeah, I totally agree with it. I hope that Multimedia Design, careers in digital film and video production or creating animation or effects those in a film, is what I'm looking for and want. Although I can't really draw well *sighh*, someday, I hope to be a professional, and get into an ideal production team. My vision. *atm. =)

P/S: I wana upload some pictures so that it won't be too black and white. But, stupid line stops me. grrrrrrr

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