Wednesday, August 18

Rock the 70's!!

haa~ Finally got my blog a new layout! I'm lovin' it. ohh that sounds familiar, eh? Back to the topic, actually I just thought of changing my fonts stuff in 'design', who knows, I had found out 'template designer' with a 'new!' word beside it, itchy fingers, I clicked into it and woohlala, 'explored' this layouts stuff. Yeah, guess I'm outdated already. >,< But who cares, I'm loving this layout.

It has a strong liking feel from me, a vintage kind of feel, I love vintage style! And from what I see, it somehow makes my posts to appear like a story, or movie, which is told, like hundreds of years ago or from your grandma. hmm guess I think too much. haha But seriously, the feel is there.

i like this editing. i thought of editing a pic of me leaning against the wall, beside the stairs. hahaha wait and see.

And seriously, I plan to print out and paste these kinds of vintage movie posters on one of the walls or a corner in my room / office room (if i own one) / house in the future. It would be cool enough to be a background for black n white or serpia photo-shooting. Rock the 70's!!
Here's some examples.

[i don't know whether these movies do exist not, i dont care much, i just go for the style.]

[Credits to loads of websites.]

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