Thursday, August 19

O2, I gasps for you.

Im glad that I am alive, typing on this post. An hour and a half ago, I was suffering, gasping for air. All of this are happening because of my esurience (tamjiakness). I don't know what my mom was holding when she hopped into the car. It was cute. It's just like a mini version of an apple. Then my dad told me it was a China type of pear thingy. I thought it will be sweet, and of course juicy and nice. I took it over from mom, I smelt it, in instance it choked me. I didn't know why was it so, and gave it a small bite. At first I though it was okay, then mom told me to give daddy a try. I quickly bit another mouth, slightly bigger than my first bite, (coz Idk why, I don't really like to eat on something after my dad =x), after chewing for quite a sometime, I suddenly feel the uneasiness in my chest, throat, and nose. I asked mom for tissue, I threw out everything in my mouth, and my nightmare came. I started to gasp for air. I need to breath in hardly. I told my parents, I'm having breathing difficulty, suffocating. Mom and dad thought that I was 'playing' while eating, so that made me choked. I knew that, I didn't choke at all. After a few secs, I told them again, and yet they gave me the same reply. I knew that I'm suffocating, I don't even have the energy to speak to them, and I can feel that dad was looking on the rear mirror non-stop to get my view in front of him when he's driving home. I knew that it wasn't a joke. I'm so scared that something might happened to me, thinking that, what if I can't stand it for tonight? *touchwood* After home, I still cant breath normally, they drove me to Kuching Specialist, to 'puff' (for Asthmatic patient, if only they need it). But I didnt do it, we walked to a kopitiam nearby, and i drank half a cup of hot milo. After sitting for some moment there and in the car, I felt little better, and back to home again. And I'm thinking of someone and something at that moment too. So now, I'm glad that I'm sitting here in front of my lappie, and breathe normally. (still got a little bit of uneasy feeling.)

[idk that the fruit was marinated with some kind of vinegar thingy, maybe that's why it numbs or somehow contracts my muscle in my throat..or something? Makes me suffocating. In conclusion, Eat With Small Bites. LOL and of course, no tamjiakness.]

[[ohya, tonight is the very first time I'm saying (writing) ILY to biggie bro in his b'day card. ohh touched sei. LOL]]

Wednesday, August 18

Rock the 70's!!

haa~ Finally got my blog a new layout! I'm lovin' it. ohh that sounds familiar, eh? Back to the topic, actually I just thought of changing my fonts stuff in 'design', who knows, I had found out 'template designer' with a 'new!' word beside it, itchy fingers, I clicked into it and woohlala, 'explored' this layouts stuff. Yeah, guess I'm outdated already. >,< But who cares, I'm loving this layout.

It has a strong liking feel from me, a vintage kind of feel, I love vintage style! And from what I see, it somehow makes my posts to appear like a story, or movie, which is told, like hundreds of years ago or from your grandma. hmm guess I think too much. haha But seriously, the feel is there.

i like this editing. i thought of editing a pic of me leaning against the wall, beside the stairs. hahaha wait and see.

And seriously, I plan to print out and paste these kinds of vintage movie posters on one of the walls or a corner in my room / office room (if i own one) / house in the future. It would be cool enough to be a background for black n white or serpia photo-shooting. Rock the 70's!!
Here's some examples.

[i don't know whether these movies do exist not, i dont care much, i just go for the style.]

[Credits to loads of websites.]

傻女孩,心疼。。 自备tissue.

老公啊,我们什么时候能结婚啊? “老公啊,我们什么时候能结婚啊?”女人一脸好奇的问,从声音分辨,她是很轻快的询问!他们在一起时间不久,两年而已,相处两年的情侣到处都是,随便就能抓出一大把,而现在的人,能有几个在交往的时候考虑结婚的?









老公啊,你说想和我结婚,真的好感动哦!原本以为你只是想和我在一起并没有和我共度一生的想法!老公,谢谢你的爱!和你在一起啊,真的是世上最幸福的事呢!每天早上醒来你都会喊手麻 ,嬉嬉,知道吗?老公,这是最最感动最最记忆犹新的片刻,在家的这些日子我都睡不着,没有你的手臂当枕头没有你的怀抱当港湾;但是我不后悔,我不愿意你看到我被病魔折磨的不成人形的样子,我相信换你你也不会让我看到自己痛苦的一面!老公,原谅我,以后只能在天上笑给你听了!



老公,那次我任性和你提分手.但是现在的你一定也是在哭,对吗?不只是眼睛哭,帮我笑完今生,好吗?从现在开始,不要悲哀不要消沉;想我只要用十年里的十天;十年后把我从生命里彻底清除,我自私,但是我怕我的自私让你恨我;所以我就赖你十年,就十年好不好?十年,我们就真的忘记彼此,期待来生!已经在履行约定的傻孩子 .泪滴湿了信纸,男人痛哭失声!天渐渐的暗了,黑了,窗外灯光斜射了进来,男人整理好情绪;“老婆,我记得你十年,想你用十天,来生还你一辈子!”轻轻的,对着天际呢喃


[credits to FB]

Tuesday, August 17

i lost someone. not the body but the heart.

It has been 3 months since my last update. Well, it doesn't mean that my life is as white as a paper, it's actually the other way round. I got lot's of dots and doodles on my paper. Just that i'm lazy to visualize it.

Forget about the older past, I just wanna talk about the bad lucks I got these days. Not that I lose in gambling or anything, but worst, I lost someone, yet a Special someone to me for this lifetime. Not losing the body, but the heart. The memories we have together are amazzin' I can say. All of this will happen till it is like now are because of my selfishness. I usually follow what my selfish and egoistic heart want me to do, and it always lead to uncertainty act in the end, which makes me stay on a T-junction. Left or Right, or Not moving. Most of the times it fools me, navigates me to the Right path, where there is NO turning back, and signals me there's a short cut on the Left. So, makes me no turn back for my act. Get noted that, I'm a contradiction person. I struggle against my heart sometimes, which makes me cant understand what i want, and, myself.

Just now, I was feeling sad. I thought of wanting to text p for a few times. But I got no bravery. Thinking of, what's my status now, how come people will wana care about me anymore? Or some more my deal is none of pz business already. hmm I do miss p now. Im sorry. =( It's almost 3 years of d already, a sudden of 'normal friend' really collapses my heart. I need time.

Other than that, till now, I still dont wanna talk to my bro. I can bare his attitude no more. Really pissed me off. Need this little sis to bare him sometimes. Jeeez Im not complimenting on myself, but I don't really show my frustration or moodiness to my family or friends easily, unless I'm really tired of it or I want them to notice on my feelings. urghh Everyone do got their limitations okay??! Again, need time. But of course, I know it will be over. I wonder when can we get back to 'bro-sis-cuddling-in-a-mad-way' time again. Look on ur busyness, i guess it's hard.

Tonight got into an argument again. urgh dont wanna talk about it. == It's my 'behsongness' days. Tomorrow who's gonna fight with me again? I can be hatred again. @@
