Saturday, January 29

past tense.

it all ended with a .
the end

It's like once you've been hurt, you're so scared to get attached again. Like you have this fear that every person you start to like is going to break your heart.
And i've faced it.times.shall i move on?

Wednesday, January 26


愛你是全身麻醉的手術 微弱的心電圖 因為你而起起伏伏 只要一點點人類的溫度 我就能被征服 我願賭就願意服輸 可是我心裡有數 我不是你的回憶錄 只是你的未知數 我翻了又翻你給的地圖 卻一直找不到我的歸宿 也許開始太倉促 才迷了路 為沒有結果的結果盲目 *我等了又等夢見的幸福 卻永遠只是你一根肋骨 我終於恍然大悟 不再上訴 只怪自己愛上的是一個 冷血動物 就算我變成一個拳擊手 我也下不了手 總不能找自己報仇 就算我乾了這手生啤酒 我也沒有對手 我也不能對你反駁 我們像兩個宇宙 我自甘著我的墮落 你一無你的所有 我翻了又翻你給的地圖 卻一直找不到我的歸宿 也許開始太倉促 才迷了路 為沒有結果的結果盲目 我哭得好累 想哭得很美 但哭得好痛 我翻了又翻你給的地圖 卻一直找不到我的歸宿 也許開始太倉促 才迷了路 為沒有結果的結果盲目 我等了又等夢見的幸福 卻永遠只是你一根肋骨 我終於恍然大悟 不再上訴 只怪自己愛上的是一個 冷血動物

(你不冷血 只是喜欢搞失踪 只好等啊 等)
就算预测了结果不是自己希望的 但还是会抱着一点点希望 因为一个人的一句话。。。
就算我能再怎么做都好 我还是那个没出息的我 给不了什么。。。

Monday, January 24


money money come come!
NUMBER NUMBER come come!
yes. i got ur number.


Sunday, January 23


注:本篇纯属本人自high篇!!! 不想看者请闪先! >\\\< 呵呵呵呵呵

哈哈哈 今天超超超超超开心的!! 太阳突然的出现让我好high啊!还以为又等不到了。。立刻想去找太阳!就顺便上个厕所。发现只在附近罢了 途了一回儿 走过太阳身边 太阳突然翻过来 给了我特别甜的笑容~ 我都害羞了!! >\\\< 但是好HIGH!呵呵呵 回来后 发现太阳还在那!就想办法接近 heheh 拿了人家的bakpoh sample 叉了像串串烧的给太阳吃 还作弄人家 *过程很短 但成功弄太阳笑* =D 再想要怎么和太阳说话时 就星来了!我们遇见了aunty!还曾经和她提起我们想认识太阳 (其实是我想。。eileen帮我罢了 coz aunty or 其他人都比较喜欢找她聊 ><) aunty当中间人 帮害羞的我们认识太阳 太阳还主动跟我们说话 哈哈 讲到话了! 太阳好friendly噢!聊到一半,讨厌的人出现 就这样 拐走了太阳 >:D haihss but 好在过后我看见了太阳在放工后买水果 我还向太阳要 :)太阳:eh,你要哈?Me:嗯 *点头* 太阳翻回头帮我选 也没问我要啥 哈哈 then真的买了 太阳:女人女人,你的!(我不懂是我听错不,也不懂zomok酱叫我 哈哈哈哈哈)拿了过后 太阳就回家了。 木瓜!平时我都不喜欢吃的 除非是切片的 (奇怪)但太阳买的当然要吃完阿!而且是切片的!哈哈哈哈 ♥ 很好!!有借口请太阳吃东西了!xD

好开心!好high的一天!! 哇哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

sien..bu neng upload zhaopian! ><

Friday, January 21


想你了 一个我只知道一个字的名字 但又不缺定的 太阳

Tuesday, January 18


烦 累 泪


只能天天的期待 远远的看
眼看 心动 手不动

让我开心得连想起都会high :)


生病了 咳嗽
我有发烧吗? 身体烫烫的
我不要! ><
我要做工 撑到最后!
为了钱 为了我的光线

Friday, January 7

HB to one of my ♥s.

(an old pic of Hong Shih)

I've forgotten it's her birthday today, thanks to facebook.>< oh well, cant really do anything too though. Just gonna give a simple post on her to wish her

aghhhh...sleepy and tired die. s l e e p .
good night.
-2days down-

Thursday, January 6 money come come!

The first day or work, one word, t-i-r-i-n-g. Didnt get to sleep well the night before as I may be too nervous or excited or so, kept on waking up every few hours, and worry I might get late or so.== Other that that, we have been standing for about 11 hours as the tauke didnt prepare any better chairs for us. There's one there, but broken. We don't really get to sit on it. I dont really felt much of the pain and 'sourness' till now. Hopefully after i slept, they will get better tomorrow. arghhh i mok chair! i mok money!

My family them having dinner together too tonight to celebrate cuz's bday, but i cant join. Still told eileen that i think my mom surely will dapao for me, who knows, dad disappointed me jor by letting me know the answer in car just now. sad daoo...had kueh chap with eileen for dinner. ><

Although i'm slowly getting into the tough process of life on earning money, feeling tired, I do hope that my spririt keeps on burning with flames. Wherever there's sunlight shining upon, there's a way. I want to earn money THAT much! And also, learning the process of life. Somehow, this part is unskippable.
Jiayou moving on chele / valen / mx / wadever!! p(^.0)q

Good night! <3

Wednesday, January 5

where's my hope.

I felt so moody in a sudden since the afternoon till now. And it's impossible for having no reason for it. I'm just confused. Keeping silence and quiet. Felt so empty. Felt that what's the meaning for having my life now. Felt tired for it. Felt tired for myself. Felt tired for everything. TT.TT

I promised myself to stay strong for the upcoming work. If i succeeded the task, i can think about aussie, think about my wish, my life, and maybe further, my dream, for i have a few in mind. I just F**kingly hate myself for being able to think, without giving a single move. EFF me! when will i change when will i change~

Sometimes i do hope that there's a med or *touchwood* (dont feel like cursing myself now.) that i've lost all the memories and started all over again, with a better person. haihhs~

New year, New hope?